Return & Exchange
Exchange Policy
Our exchange policy ensures a hassle-free experience, allowing you to request an exchange within 30 days from the date of purchase. Contact us with your preferred style or size for the exchange and we'll start the exchange within 3 business days of receiving the returned item.
For a standard fee of $15.00, you can purchase a return label from us. The return label cost may vary based on size and weight. For more information, please contact us at 888-909-0748.
Return Policy
You can return any item that doesn't meet your expectations within 30 days of the purchase date. To be eligible for a refund, the item must be in its original, unused condition, with all tags intact and no alterations done. Gift cards or final sales are not eligible for a refund.
For a standard fee of $15.00, you can purchase a return label from us. The return label cost may vary based on size and weight. For more information, please contact us at 888-909-0748.
Step-by-step Return Instruction
Step 1 - Email
Email with your order number and reason for the return. We will provide you with the return instructions via email.
Step 2 - Ship
Ship the item back to us in its original, unused condition with its original tags attached, the hanger, and the bag within 30 days of the purchase date for a refund.
The original receipt or a copy inside the package is required.
For suit/walking suit returns, ensure that all components, including blazer, pants, vest, and accessories, are included.
No signature required service is accepted at the return center.
Step 3 - Refund
- Refunds are processed within 5 business days of receiving your return and are directed back to the original payment source. Please note that shipping charges are a non-refundable service.
- We reserve the right to refund base on the return items condition. Once refunded we do provide email notifications with the refund details. A restocking fee may be processed for packaging, handling, and any other cost during the restocking process.
- Return shipping costs are NOT covered.
- Items labeled as FINAL SALE cannot be accepted for credit or refund.
*Important Notes
- Returned to sender or refused packages will be processed as return. You will receive your refund minus any shipping charge(s) involved.
- Suits Outlets is not responsible for any return(s) sent to any other address or item damaged or lost in the return process.
- If you accidentally send the wrong item to us for a return, please contact us as soon as possible. We cannot guarantee your item will be found and returned.